Baptism is an opportunity to encounter the living presence of Christ, not just in the celebration of the sacrament, but in the opportunity to live out the sacrament in our daily lives. While we know that sin is a part of our reality, we also know that we can grow in holiness through the cooperation with the grace given us in the sacrament. Baptism can be defined as the sacrament of supernatural rebirth or regeneration. Although we are indeed generated or born naturally of our human parents, Baptism gives us a new life. This is a higher life, the supernatural life that we need above our natural existence.
Jesus Christ told us about Baptism during his conversation with Nicodemus. This Pharisee had just complimented Jesus. The Savior replied by saying, “No one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is begotten from above”. To which Nicodemus objected, “How can a man be born again? Can he go back into his mother’s womb and be born again?” This was a perfect question to introduce Christ’s revealed teaching about Baptism. He said, “I solemnly assure you no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being begotten of water and the Spirit.”
Baptism is not only the first of the seven sacraments; it is also the basic sacrament. How? Unless a person is baptized, none of the other six sacraments can be received. Only a baptized person can be confirmed. Only a baptized person can receive absolution in the Sacrament of Confession. Only a baptized person can receive the Sacrament of Matrimony. Only a baptized man can be validly ordained a priest.
Every Catholic should be registered in the Parish where they worship. If you are not already registered with Holy Rosary Parish, you should register as soon possible after you realize you are expecting. You should be registered for at least six (6) months prior to contacting the Parish for Baptism.
We are happy that you have decided to share the wonder of faith with your child through the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism. In the following pages you will find information for the celebration of the sacrament here at Holy Rosary Church. We hope that you will find this resource helpful as you plan for the celebration of Baptism and give our community of faith the opportunity to welcome your child into the Church.
Baptism is an opportunity to encounter the living presence of Christ, not just in the celebration of the sacrament, but in the opportunity to live out the sacrament in our daily lives. While we know that sin is a part of our reality, we also know that we can grow in holiness through the cooperation with the grace given us in the sacrament.